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Own adhesive production from high-quality raw materials

Focus on technology, sustainability and ease of use

Recipe, packaging and quantities tailored to your stay

Refrigeration and Insulation Products

Home / Refrigeration and Insulation Products


These products are designed for use in refrigeration and cooling product applications and are also suitable for use as spray adhesives for insulation materials

Impact II

Impact II

Own adhesive production from high-quality raw materials Focus on technology, sustainability and ease of use Recipe, packaging and quantities tailored to your stayImpact II   Impact II is a high quality industrial adhesive that is water resistant...

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Own adhesive production from high-quality raw materials Focus on technology, sustainability and ease of use Recipe, packaging and quantities tailored to your stayISO   ISO was developed to save time and money meaning its revolutionary within the...

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Own adhesive production from high-quality raw materials Focus on technology, sustainability and ease of use Recipe, packaging and quantities tailored to your stayPoly+   Poly plus uses our exceptional formulation, which has been created to...

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We are happy to help you personally. Do you have special wishes or do you want professional advice? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Advice is always free with us. We are also happy to provide demos at your location. In this way we can work with you to find the best type of adhesive for every application.

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